Monday, February 6, 2012

The most wonderful time of the year

With great sadness I say goodbye to the most wonderful time of year in Florida.. citrus harvests Season. I figure I only have a month before all the groves shut up business until next Fall.

It wasn't until a few years ago that oranges and finding the most perfect form of that heavenly piece of sunshine became a highlight of my winter. I can't remember the exact reason why I was riding with my dad in his truck back to Nebraska, but we stopped a little roadside grove and bought a few bushel of the best oranges I've tasted. And for that hour he and I must have peeled and shared at least five oranges. The whole cab of the truck smelling of oranges and my hands sticky sweet. To this day, it was one of the fondest memories I have of my dad.

Starting in December, I start hunting for the best orange in Florida. Usually, in a pinch I'll get my Florida Oranges in Publix, but when I can, I go to a grove store. My favorite store in the middle of Orlando called "White's Hill Grove" or if I go to the East Coast/Melbourne Area, I like Harvey's Grove.

This year, I tried something new: "u-pick" citrus. Mostly, it's because the "The Showcase of Citrus" on Highway 27 in Clermont. There's something about the high plastic shark and alligator that screams "fun and amusing Florida pictures right here."

I took my friend Chris out to pick a bag of oranges a few weeks ago. For $10 a 1/4 bushel, it's a bit pricy for oranges. It's for the tourists, not the locals. In fact, the bag says "Here's the bag of oranges I promised you from Florida."The rows of citrus were marked with what kind they were and there were plenty of photo opportunities. I do have to admit, it was a good $10 of worth of entertainment.

How to get there from Disney go on Highway 192 West until it ends at Highway 27, go North about 7 miles.

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