Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hangin' at 'the studios'

What do you do when you've been someplace hundreds of times? How about thousands of times over the course of 16 years? You start developing "rituals", that's what. Not the animal sacrifice kind of rituals, oh no. I mean, there are certain things I *have to do* when I step into the Disney Hollywood Studios.

My first experience with then"MGM" now "Hollywood" studios was as a 19-year-old intern. I have been on every rooftop, almost every office, walked through every attraction, cleaned or used almost every restroom.. I know TMI.. I digress....

I actually want my body cremated and my ashes spread in two different places:one on my parents farm in Nebraska and the other ... spread in "Muppet courtyard" in the middle of the night. There's a few flaws with that plan.
1) it's illegal to dump bodies/ashes at the theme parks (many have tried.)
2) Catholics tend to frown on that.
3) The boyfriend whom promised me he would do that for me is now married to someone else and odds are he'll die before I do.

Don't pull the Rope! In Front of Indiana Jones Stunt Show
Mulch, Sweat, and Shears

In the Muppet Vision 3D, it the key under the mat

Queen of Hearts at AFI Showcase

Once Upon a Time aka "Carthey Circle"

Tower of Terror

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