Sunday, March 3, 2019

Seven Tower of Terror tidbits

Today, I'm trying a different idea ... 7 tidbits about a specific area or ride in Disney World. Who knows, I might expand the idea to other locations, but for now, I'll stick to what I know... Walt Disney World. 

Some of the facts are pretty basic, and some of the facts are based off of cast member experiences and a bit of "behind the scenes" information. With any luck, it won't entirely ruin the magic for anyone.

This week's topic is an easy one for me... Tower of Terror.

1.       You probably knew that Walt Disney World’s Tower of Terror, at 199 feet tall, is one of tallest attractions on property. However, did you know why it’s 199 feet tall? FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) rules says that any building that is 200 feet tall or taller must have a light on top in order to alert aircraft in the area. Since putting a government regulation blinking light on top of the building would ruin the theming of the pink hotel, the building design had to be just under the requirement. 

2.       Speaking of the top of the Hollywood Hills Hotel, the very top of the hotel is a gazebo. Is it real? Yes, it’s a real gazebo and an entrance point for the rooftop area. “Can I go up there?” No. “Why not?” For several reasons, but mostly because it is dangerous to get up there and it is a backstage area.  Even “normal cast members” aren’t usually allowed up there. It is usually restricted to ride engineers, security, Tower cast members, and park upper management.  Having said that, I’ve been up there because I was a member of the Studios park security department for years. One of graveyard shift’s “rounds” is to check the Terror of Terror for safety reasons, and report anything out of the ordinary. Fun and spooky because of the building design… more on that later. In order to get to the top, cast members have to climb several staircases to the top floor. Inside of the top floor is a special room that has a ladder that goes straight up to the roof. It is not an easy- or safe- climb. Once at the top, a locked/latched attic door led out to the small platform surround by chest-height gazebo walls. The view is amazing - of course. 

3.       Spooky? How?  The design of the tower is a large concrete building with no windows except what you see opening during the drop sequence.  Since the ride has multiple elevator shifts, it has multiple identical staircases for cast members to navigate the building.  I’ve been lost in the building before … many times. Each time was like being in the twilight zone. One time, I remember going down to the bottom of a staircase and thinking it was going to a specific exit point only to open the door to a 2-foot drop onto dirt-- clearly not a normal exit.  Also, while the ride is in operation, you are not allowed to open any of the doors to the drop shafts because the force of the ride would suck you into the shaft.  Safe D begins with me (and my ability to read- and adhere to - warning signs.) There was talk among tower cast members and security cast that Tower was actually haunted but the only spooky thing about tower to me was the building itself. 

4.       Insider information that has absolutely no use to you but I always loved knowing what it means. When a ride “goes 101” it means that the ride has stopped or broken down temporarily.  While standing in que for the ride - guests may overhear “tower has gone 101 Foxtrot.”  What that means is that the ride vehicle has stopped in a specific point of the attraction. Each of the drop shafts are labeled: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot; it is named after the phonetic alphabet. 


5.       Tower of Terror in Florida is unique than the one in California because of its design. The ride in California does not travel through “the 5th dimension” as it does in Florida. The rumor is because it the ride car in Florida which has to travel across the floor to the other drop shaft poses another place where the ride can get stuck and break down. It’s complicated. California avoided that all together and the car stays inside of one shaft. Oh, and “The 5th dimension” with the light on is just one big, freaky mirrored room. 

6.       Speaking of “freaky rooms” - let’s not forget about “the ghost room”. That is literally, what the ride engineers call it. That is the place when the elevator goes up and the doors up on to the story of how the five people disappeared “one stormy night long ago” … then they turn into ghosts.  Fun “ride design” fact, there are 2 floors of ghost rooms -on floor 4 and floor 5.  Coined Pepper’s Ghost, this trick employs simple mirroring techniques which help create the illusion of three-dimensional, translucent “ghosts.”  it's the same technique used at the Haunted Mansion.

7. Speaking of the Haunted Mansion -- another commonality shared between the ride is the cast member expectation of theming. It is "frowned upon" for the The bellhops at Tower of Terror to smile much like it is expected at The Haunted Mansion. The bellhops are encouraged to stay in character with the theming of the ride.  

The Tower of Terror is actually at 3 other Theme Parks but they all have different ride designs and themes. Disney's California Adventure has transitioned to a "Guardians of the Galaxy" theme. In Japan, it's the story of an adventurer who is jinxed by an African artifact, in Paris, it's similar to Florida but has the California ride design of  three drop shafts but no traveling through the 5th dimension.

If you want to book a Trip Walt Disney World, Disneyland or other areas, drop me a line at
Next stop in my blog may be the Magic Kingdom... 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Dustin' off the old travel blog

I started this travel blog back when I still lived in Florida, but oddly enough, I knew I was planning to move back to Nebraska.  Mostly, I wanted this to be a place to showcase not only Orlando/Disney but where ever I traveled to.

I thumbed several computer and photo files to try to find a specific topic to blog about today. Lincoln is in the mist of yet another "snow day" which is fine but the snow stopped being fun last month.

Now that I'm a new travel planner for Mouse Tales Travel, I been thinking about what travel destinations are on my bucket list. In the near future, let's hope I can cross some of these places off my list.

1. An African Safari along with visits to the south eastern cities of Zanzibar or Mombasa. Ever since I've started taking a geography of Africa class, I want to see the "charismatic Megafauna" (i.e. Lions, Elephants, and gazelle) before they are all gone.  I'm excited that Adventures by Disney does sell an African adventure. That might have be an addition to the Kenyan and Botswana adventures I want

2. Fiji -- That's been on my bucket list for a long, long time. There's something about the beaches and water (or the pictures of the water and beaches) that I find enchanting.

3. Australia - I know I've been promising to go for 20 years.

4. Lucca, Italy. I have no idea why, but I had a dream about this place a few months ago and I want to know what it calling me there.

5. Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea -- I shouldn't need to explain why this is on my list.

6. Charleston, SC. This wraps up my "southern cities" trips must-see.

7.  Goa, India.  I blame Anthony Bourdain for this one.

8. Bahia Honda State Park, Florida.  I remember driving the 3-hours out to Key West and seeing the water at this state park out of the window and I put it on my list. Key West was "ok". I probably would have enjoyed this more.

9. Morocco.

I'm actually not picky about my travel. I'll go about anywhere just for the sake of going.

I've been to Dodge City, KS twice this year as testament to that fact.  See... I didn't actually go to Dodge City for the history but for the Casino. So, this is us out in the parking lot of the museum on a Sunday morning. The downtown area looks quaint too. Lots of old brick buildings.  Warm and cozy. No pictures of that because the lighting wasn't right.

I would love to hear where you've been lately or what destinations are on your bucket list. Leave me a comment! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Disneyland's World of Color

In 2010, I booked two concierge rooms at Disney's Paradise Pier. Since I was a cast member at the time, and cast members usually help other cast members, they hooked me up with Disney's California Adventure views on the 8th floor with a spot on view of the then newest show, World of Color. I couldn't wait to see it. But, I didn't see it that night.  I would have to wait nearly 4 years.
 After a nearly perfect day at Disney, which I'll probably blog about later, I had a fastpass for the yellow section which I didn't know what that meant.

As it turned out, I was in the center of the viewing area and could choose to sit at the front if I didn't mind getting a bit wet. Since I was alone and it had been a bit warm that day, I got up as front and middle as I could and got chummy with a lovely French family who shared their gum with me and stories of their vacation. 

Soon enough, I had the best seats in town to watch World of Color. 

So, World of Color is basically a water show with lasers, lights, and fireworks.  It's a bit like Fantasmic! if you've seen that. There's a lot of Disney music and scenes from many of the favorite movies in water screens. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

All the excitement of Boise, ID

I may occur to you that Idaho isn't anywhere near Florida.  When I made my last post in 2012, I didn't know if I should change the title of my blog to "where am I?" because I have been traveling several places in North America since 2012.

Perhaps I'll go back to 2013 and blog about walking from Montreal to Quebec City in June, or spending two months in San Diego. But I also have some Florida Stories. It's time to get back on the blog block.
So, I'll start with the most recent trip.

Every year, I look at my travel goals and think about my travel bucket list.  When I crossed off New Orleans and Savannah and Montreal off of my list, I had to revise my list.

My current list includes: Portland, OR, Charleston, SC, Yellowstone National Park, and Hilo, HI (on a local level)

My international travel goals include: Australia, Japan, Fiji, Brazil, and Morocco.

Never, on my list, did I ever consider Boise.  Until my Sister-in-law Anna asked if I would go for a road trip to pick up Mustangs. Anna trains wild mustangs that are taken from the wild and adopted out through the Bureau of Land Management.  Long story, short. Anna needed me to help her drive the 15 hours out to pick up the horses. If you want to know more about her horse, you can read about it on Know Your Horse on facebook and also
But, from Wyoming to Utah to Idaho, it was beautiful.

Anna and I grew up in Central Nebraska, so it's normal to go West and think "Cowboy."   We were planning to do a bit of sight seeing in Boise and I thought I should pack a cowboy hat. Well, I don't own one of those.  But, I realized that Boise isn't so much cowboy as much as it was Urban and sophisticated.

Downtown Boise hosts an event called "First Thursdays" which means that on the first Thursday of each month, many art galleries, shops, museums, and restaurants are open and have special events going on.  It was the perfect way to see the culture of Boise.

Art was everywhere. And it wasn't all highbrow or confusing or out there. It was, in many cases, simple. And down-to-earth. For example, the post a poem at one of the galleries. And the "Art Alley" on the streets was colorful and fun.

We stopped and sampled regional wines at the shops. We even had a roasted nut and wine pairing. That was a first. Apparently, at The Nut Shop, a regional Rose wine goes really well with honey glazed almonds.

Because Anna and I leave in a very rural area of Nebraska, I wanted Asian food. The nearest Asian food is an hour drive.  When I travel, I tend to go on "Asian food benders". It probably has to do with the time I lived in China in 2001. Currently, I'm really into to Thai food. We tried out the Mai Thai restaurant and was not disappointed with their noodles and appetizers. The ambiance was awesome as well. The night we went, they had happy hour and $3 plates of food until 6:30 in the bar. But we arrived too late for that.

 My sister-in-law has the need to touch everything... including the water feature.

Boise has a Basque Block with a Basque Museum and marketplace to celebrate  the large Basque community in Idaho. The Basque Country has a special place in my heart since I've walked through it twice when I was walking the Camino de Santiago.. The Museum was free and they had a lively group of Basque musician playing there that night.

The next day, we drove 5 miles south of the city to the BLM office to pick up the horses and drive like hell to get them back to Nebraska.

During the 20 hours it took to drive back, we did stop at Twin Falls, ID for lunch and were very pleasantly surprised about the "Holy Crap, don't look down while we're driving over it" Perrine Bridge.

We'll be back to Boise in July, and I hope I can cross my Yellowstone experience off my list.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

My favorite photos of 2012

Tempe, Arizona April 2012
Not only did I get to explore Florida this year, but I also explored Arizona and New Mexico and a couple states in between. Perhaps it's best to review my year in photo... some of them are my favorite, some of them are my best.

Florida shots: in 2012, I spent 8 months in Florida.. I moved twice. Since I was moving out of state, I wanted to make my last summer in Florida, one of travel and adventure within an hour or two of where I lived.

Mission de  Nombre de Dios in St Augustine. January 30

Fantasmic at Disney Hollywood Studios

Yet more Florida photos

safety harbor, Florida

Backyard oasis
My friend Carolyn at Hollywood Studios
Mermaid with a uber fan turtle at Weeki Watchee Springs

The turtle had perfect timing at Epcot. 

Lobby of the Disney Dream

I did manage to go to Arizona twice this year and Mexico and Southern California. 
Rosary tree outside the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, NM

The road out of Taos. 
My bff and her baby in California. 

Spanish church outside of Phoenix
Sonoma Arizona

Grill Veggies at Taco Stand in TJ, Mexico

Self-portrait in Sonoma, Arizona

Of course, I can't forget about Nebraska... 

Cowboy day
SIL Anna and Dollar

I spent a lot of time with my Sister-in-law and her horses. 

My Nephew Branigan climbing at Boy Scout Camp

Bran being silly

And finally, the places in between.....

Conyers GA convent 

an odd encounter in New Orleans

Thinking about shrimpin' in Gulfport, MS