Sunday, August 26, 2012

Florida Strawberry Festival

For the past decade, I've been saying "I should really go to the Florida Strawberry Festival." Finally, I made it to Plant City, Florida. Just a warning, I don't know if I can talk about the Strawberry Festival without comparing it to every Midwestern State Fair I've been to.

Of course, with every fair, there's animal shows. There was a Sea Lion show which is something I might have seen in Nebraska. But there were cattle shows and pig races.

I'll include several images from the day. 
The line to get strawberry short cake...

Do it yourself shortcake... it's more whipped cream than strawberries. But (in IMHO) is the best part.
The sign says "Try our Chocolate Dipt Bacon"   ... I love Florida and rural Floridian slang like turning "dipped" into "dipt" . I'm actually surprised it didn't have "fixin' to" crammed somewhere on that sign. 

As anyone can see, the main attraction, the must see of the Strawberry Festival is the swimming pig races.

Sunset on the midway...

The Sea Lion show.

At the end of the night... buying a pallet of strawberries to take home from the dozens of farmers along the road, selling their harvest.

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